Package 'speakeasyR'

Title: Fast and Robust Multi-Scale Graph Clustering
Description: A graph community detection algorithm that aims to be performant on large graphs and robust, returning consistent results across runs. SpeakEasy 2 (SE2), the underlying algorithm, is described in Chris Gaiteri, David R. Connell & Faraz A. Sultan et al. (2023) <doi:10.1186/s13059-023-03062-0>. The core algorithm is written in 'C', providing speed and keeping the memory requirements low. This implementation can take advantage of multiple computing cores without increasing memory usage. SE2 can detect community structure across scales, making it a good choice for biological data, which often has hierarchical structure. Graphs can be passed to the algorithm as adjacency matrices using base 'R' matrices, the 'Matrix' library, 'igraph' graphs, or any data that can be coerced into a matrix.
Authors: David Connell [aut, cre, cph] , Chris Gaiteri [cph] (Author of original SpeakEasy 2 algorithm.), Gábor Csárdi [cph, ctb] (Author of igraph C library.), Tamás Nepusz [cph, ctb] (Author of igraph C library.), Szabolcs Horvát [cph, ctb] (Author of igraph C library.), Vincent Traag [cph, ctb] (Author of igraph C library.), Fabio Zanini [cph, ctb] (Author of igraph C library.), Daniel Noom [cph, ctb] (Author of igraph C library.), The igraph development team [cph] (Copyright holder of igraph C library.), Free Software Foundation, Inc. [cph] (Copyright holder of GPL licenses.), Ross Ihaka [cph, ctb] (Author of Mathlib.), The R Development Core Team [cph] (Copyright holder of Mathlib.), Royal Statistical Society [cph] (Copyright holder of Mathlib.), The R Core Team [cph] (Copyright holder of Mathlib.), The Regents of the University of California [cph] (Copyright holder of stdlib's qsort.), Timothy Davis [cph, ctb] (Author of CXSPARSE (cs).), Richard Lehoucq [cph, ctb] (Author of arpack.), Danny Scrensen [cph, ctb] (Author of arpack and lapack.), Phuong Vu [cph, ctb] (Author of arpack.), Chao Yang [cph, ctb] (Author of arpack.), Allan Cornet [cph, ctb] (Author of arpack.), Sylvestre Ledru [cph, ctb] (Author of arpack.), Chao Yang [cph, ctb] (Author of arpack.), Rice University [cph] (Copyright holder of arpack.), Scilab Enterprises [cph] (Copyright holder of arpack-ng.), Melissa O'Neill [cph, ctb] (Author of PCG random number generator.), Steven Johnson [cph, ctb] (Author of ax_pthread.), Daniel G. [cph, ctb] (Author of ax_pthread.), Marc Stevens [cph, ctb] (Author of ax_pthread.), Minh Nguyen [cph, ctb] (Author of ax_pthread.), Elliot Paquette [cph, ctb] (Contributor to igraph.), Pascal Pons [cph, ctb] (Contributor to igraph.), Jordi Hermoso [cph, ctb] (Contributor to arpack.), Sébastien Fabbro [cph, ctb] (Contributor to arpack.), Shinya Tasaki [cph, ctb] (Provided code used in the gene clustering example.)
Maintainer: David Connell <[email protected]>
License: GPL (>= 3)
Version: 0.1.5
Built: 2025-03-07 06:23:17 UTC

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SpeakEasy 2 community detection


Group nodes into communities.


  discard_transient = 3,
  independent_runs = 10,
  max_threads = 0,
  seed = 0,
  target_clusters = 0,
  target_partitions = 5,
  subcluster = 1,
  min_clust = 5,
  verbose = FALSE,
  is_directed = "detect"



A graph or adjacency matrix in a form that can be converted to matrix or Matrix::dgCMatrix using an as.matrix() coercion method. Accepted types include matrix, dgCMatrix, ngCMatrix, and igraph::graphs.


The number of partitions to discard before tracking.


How many runs SpeakEasy2 should perform.


The maximum number of threads to use. By default this is the same as the number of independent runs. If max_threads is greater than or equal to the number of processing cores, all cores may run. If max_threads is less than the number of cores, at most max_threads cores will run.


Random seed to use for reproducible results. SpeakEasy2 uses a different random number generator than R, but if the seed is not explicitly set, R's random number generator is used create one. Because of this, setting R's RNG will also cause reproducible results.


The number of random initial labels to use.


Number of partitions to find per independent run.


Depth of clustering. If greater than 1, perform recursive clustering.


Smallest clusters to recursively cluster. If subcluster not set to a value greater than 1, this has no effect.


Whether to provide additional information about the clustering or not.


Whether the graph should be treated as directed or not. By default, if the graph is symmetric it is treated as undirected.


A membership vector. If subclustering, returns a matrix with number of rows equal to the number of recursive clustering. Each row is the membership at different hierarchical scales, such that the last rows are the highest resolution.


if (require("igraph")) {
  graph <- igraph::graph.famous("zachary")
  membership <- cluster(graph, max_threads = 2)

Cluster a gene expression matrix


Use the Speakeasy 2 community detection algorithm to cluster genes based on their gene expression. A gene coexpression network is created by taking correlating the input gene expression matrix to genes that tend to be expressed together. This matrix is then clustered to find gene modules.

Note: This is intended for gene expression sampled from bulk sequencing. Samples from single cell sequencing may work but will need to be preprocessed due to the greater noise-to-signal ratio. See the speakeasyR vignette for an example of single cell preprocessing. For more information about working with single cell data see: Malte D Luecken & Fabian J Theis (2019) Current Best Practices in Single‐cell Rna‐seq Analysis: a Tutorial, Molecular Systems Biology.


  k = NULL,
  discard_transient = 3,
  independent_runs = 10,
  max_threads = 0,
  seed = 0,
  target_clusters = 0,
  target_partitions = 5,
  subcluster = 1,
  min_clust = 5,
  verbose = FALSE



a matrix of gene expression data with data from multiple samples (in the form genes x samples).


number of neighbors to include if converting to a k-nearest neighbor graph. Should be a non-negative integer less than the number of genes. If this value is not set the raw GCN is clustered. The kNN graph is a sparse directed graph with binary edges between a node and it's most similar k neighbors. Conversion to a kNN graph can provide good clustering results much faster than using the full graph in cases with a large number of genes.


The number of partitions to discard before tracking.


How many runs SpeakEasy2 should perform.


The maximum number of threads to use. By default this is the same as the number of independent runs. If max_threads is greater than or equal to the number of processing cores, all cores may run. If max_threads is less than the number of cores, at most max_threads cores will run.


Random seed to use for reproducible results. SpeakEasy2 uses a different random number generator than R, but if the seed is not explicitly set, R's random number generator is used create one. Because of this, setting R's RNG will also cause reproducible results.


The number of random initial labels to use.


Number of partitions to find per independent run.


Depth of clustering. If greater than 1, perform recursive clustering.


Smallest clusters to recursively cluster. If subcluster not set to a value greater than 1, this has no effect.


Whether to provide additional information about the clustering or not.


A membership vector. If subclustering, returns a matrix with number of rows equal to the number of recursive clustering. Each row is the membership at different hierarchical scales, such that the last rows are the highest resolution.


# Set parameters
set.seed(123) # For reproducibility
ngene <- 200
nsample <- 1000
ncluster <- 5

# Create a function to simulate gene expression data
simulate_gene_expression <- function(ngene, nsample, ncluster) {
  # Initialize the expression matrix
  expr_matrix <- matrix(0, nrow = ngene, ncol = nsample)

  # Create cluster centers for genes
  cluster_centers <- matrix(rnorm(ncluster * nsample, mean = 5, sd = 2),
    nrow = ncluster, ncol = nsample

  # Assign genes to clusters
  gene_clusters <- sample(1:ncluster, ngene, replace = TRUE)

  for (i in 1:ngene) {
    cluster <- gene_clusters[i]
    expr_matrix[i, ] <- cluster_centers[cluster, ] +
      rnorm(nsample, mean = 0, sd = 1)

  return(list(expr_matrix = expr_matrix, gene_clusters = gene_clusters))

# Simulate the data
simulated_data <- simulate_gene_expression(ngene, nsample, ncluster)

# Extract the expression matrix and gene clusters
expr_matrix <- simulated_data$expr_matrix
gene_clusters <- simulated_data$gene_clusters

# Cluster and test quality of results
modules <- cluster_genes(expr_matrix, max_threads = 2)

K-nearest neighbors graph


Create a directed sparse graph with edges to each nodes k nearest neighbors. Nearness is calculated as the inverse of the euclidean distance between two columns.


knn_graph(mat, k, weighted = FALSE)



A matrix to be compared column-by-column.


How many nearest neighbors to collect.


By default, a binary edge is made between a node and each of it's k closest nodes. Set weighted to TRUE to weigh each edge by the similarity (inverse of euclidean distance).


A directed sparse adjacency matrix with k * ncol(mat) nonzero edges. Each column has k edges connected to the k closest columns (not including itself).


# Simple random graph
mat <- matrix(runif(100) > 0.75, nrow = 5)
knn_graph(mat, 3)

## Don't run because loading data is slow.

if (requireNamespace("scRNAseq") &&
  requireNamespace("SummarizedExperiment")) {
  # Single Cell RNA data

  expression <- scRNAseq::FletcherOlfactoryData()
  cell_types <- expression$cluster_id

  ## Filter genes with low expression. Remove any genes with less than 10
  ## cells with with any reads.
  counts <- SummarizedExperiment::assay(expression, "counts")
  indices <- rowSums(counts > 0) > 10
  counts <- counts[indices, ]

  ## Normalize by shifted logarithm
  target <- median(colSums(counts))
  size_factors <- colSums(counts) / target
  counts_norm <- log(t(t(counts) / size_factors + 1))

  ## Dimension reduction
  counts_norm <- t(prcomp(t(counts_norm), scale. = FALSE)$x)[1:50, ]

  adj <- knn_graph(counts_norm, 10)

Group nodes by community


Reorders the graph to group nodes in the same community together. Useful for viewing community structure of a graph using a heatmap().


order_nodes(graph, membership, is_directed = "detect")



The graph or adjacency matrix the membership vector was created for.


A vector or matrix listing node communities. The output from cluster() (should also work for other clustering algorithms that return membership in the same format).


Whether the graph should be treated as directed or not. By default, if the graph is symmetric it is treated as undirected.


Communities are ordered by size, so nodes in the largest community are first. Within a community, nodes are order by highest-to-lowest degree.

If membership is in matrix form (the output from cluster() with subcluster > 1) a matrix is returned with the indices for level one in row 1 and level n in row n. Each row reorders the communities of the previous row such that, at the second level, nodes are still grouped by the first level communities. This allows the hierarchical structure to be viewed.

See vignette for a multilevel example.


An index vector or matrix. The number of rows are equal to the value of subcluster passed to cluster().


if (require("igraph")) {
  n_nodes <- 100
  n_types <- 3
  # Mixing parameter (likelihood an edge is between communities).
  mu <- 0.3
  pref <- matrix(mu, n_types, n_types)
  diag(pref) <- 1 - mu
  g <- igraph::sample_pref(n_nodes, types = n_types, pref.matrix = pref)
  # Use a dense matrix representation to easily apply index.
  adj <- as(g[], "matrix")
  memb <- speakeasyR::cluster(adj, seed = 222, max_threads = 2)
  ordering <- speakeasyR::order_nodes(adj, memb)
  heatmap(adj[ordering, ordering], scale = "none", Rowv = NA, Colv = NA)